October 23, 2012 – www.cfdavinki.com by
The Day After

October 23, 2012 – www.cfdavinki.com by
Monday, Oct. 22, 2012 www.cfdavinki.com Don’t feel too funny today, but I still get a chuckle out of a “Used-to-be-beloved Yorkshireman”, Jimmy Savile. He was a knighted man and sort of folk hero to many. His looks were a cross between Dr. Emmett Brown in back to the future and comedian, Alan King. The latter […]
Hello, this is my first blog. I don’t really have too much to say about anything……HA! I am pretty opinionated and sometimes overly……you can mostly tell by my t-shirt art. www.cfdavinki.com (great plug), huh. How do you not talk about politics in this atmosphere? It permeates our daily lives. I am grateful to live in […]