Hello from DaVinkiland

Hello, this is my first blog. I don’t really have too much to say about anything……HA!  I am pretty opinionated and sometimes overly……you can mostly tell by my t-shirt art. www.cfdavinki.com         (great plug), huh.

How do you not talk about politics in this atmosphere? It permeates our daily lives.  I am grateful to live in California and don’t have to watch the millions in PAC ads. I watch all the news stations, i.e.: Fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc….  I really don’t get Fox News as they are so negative and redundant. It’s gotten extremely difficult to even scan “Dead Horse Hannity”. I call him that, as he will beat a talking point to death. I don’t think I have ever watched one program of his that he didn’t mention Rev. Wright or Bill Ayres. Even Roger Ayles, his boss, says he is totally predictable. This election season has revved-up all the B-team talking heads at Fox. I watched some Saturday night fill-in host talking to a former seal team friend of one of the KIA’s in Benghazi. As soon as he started talking about Darrel Issa politicizing Benghazi, she said, “Well OK, thanks for your input, we have to go now”. Now if you like news as I do, Shepherd Smith is the must see, twice a day.

Now the other side of the coin is the “Lame-Stream Media”. There is so much more factual info going on here, even though they are virtually the flip side of Fox. I like to hear Martin Bashir’s, Chris Matthews, and Rachael Maddow. It was hard at first to watch TRMS, but as I started listening to her, I began to get her presentation. The research info she spouts in sometimes phenomenal. Bashir’s is very entertaining for an import. How can you not like Chris Matthews’ them Verses us exuberance?

The problem I have with these liberal heads during this election cycle is they keep calling for the facts, raising the bar on issues, and Obama to counter Romney’s incredible multiple choice stances and facts. I could go on about his personality forever, but that’s another blog, soon I promise. Anyway, all these liberal pundits want a higher level of facts and debate on everything. On the other hand, they are trying to set this up as a WWF or cage-fighting performance art at the debates. They can’t have it both ways. They sit there and score the debates round by round. Al Sharpton does a great Don King, and Ed Schultz as Burgess Meredith. After the first debate, I pictured Obama yelling up to Michelle in her window…..”Adrienne”!

See ya next time,


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