Media Frenzy Continues –

Another Day, More Deaths: Another Day, More Deaths: Man Accidentally Kills Himself Demonstrating Gun’s Safety… 3 Gunned Down In Grand Rapids… 2 Police Officers Shot And Killed In Kansas… 3-Year-Old Accidentally Shoots Himself, Dies… Man Shoots Wife… One Person Shot In San Antonio, Gunman Later Shot By Cops… Woman Shot At Campground… Woman Shot To Death, Son ‘Thought She Was Sleeping’ a man in China knifes children at a school, and so on and so on………….

This thing has never stopped. It just continues as society’s ills roll on. Some of these things will never be cured as human nature and defects are a part of our society as the population grows and the dollars shrink for mental healthcare. This massacre was awful and commercial television is no less despicable as to how they have covered this as a media event. They are not looking for answers, they are looking for interviews and scoops. If they were really and truly concerned, all of this coverage would be commercial free. Then the reporting would be short and concise with only facts. As they said in the Jeff Daniel’s HBO series, ‘Newsroom’, We’ve got to cover this, everyone else is….. There’s a lot of bluster about gun control. It’s really hard to see anything meaningful happening. i.e military industrial complex; corporate lobbying; re-elections, NRA and gun lobby, etc….. When US citizens were dying in Iraq, there was very little coverage about our people dying here. Now that we are in the midst of a tragedy here, there is little mention of the hundreds of kids dying elsewhere. It’s a shame that TV news operates as a sluggishly huge cyclops. It’s seems our news organizations are about as reliable as congress.

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