Sandy, Sandy, Sandy – October 30, 2012
We wish everyone well in the recovery of the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
Well here we are the day after Sandy, and I don’t mean the kind you get in your bathing suit and chafes you after a day at the beach. We saw the big apple, the big Frankenstorm and of course the big ratings for the media outlets. Who can we stick outside to stand in the middle of a puddle with a 9 volt microphone. It seems just about anyone. There must have been scores of untested reporters braving the weather. I saw sports casters, news desk anchors, wannabe weather people including stock exchange reporters and money honeys. Everyone employed by networks wanted to get into the brink. There doesn’t seem to be any judgment anymore regarding how to report the ‘in the moment’ happenings. “Just get the shot….it’s television dammit.”
This brings me to my other complaint this morning…..Non-stop news reporting, AKA ”Balloon Boy News”. The media is like a dog sitting and panting with their tongue hanging out enjoying surveying their domain. Then a squirrel runs across the yard. For as long as they can concentrate, they are fixated. Easily explained if you saw the movie, UP…. “Squirrel!” God help us all when a tragedy or major event (TBD), has occurred. Although it was occurring years before, it started with me noticing the flight of ‘Balloon Boy’ in an empty dirigible across Colorado landscape. While in the UK, I was thrilled by the coverage of the Chilean miners’ fiasco. It was truly an amazing event, but I was not sure that it needed a dedicated TV channel for those people with insomnia. Nonstop nonsense and speculation. It used to be that reporters were to only report what they knew. NOW…speculation is rampant amongst the guessing, predicting, estimating, and conjecturing of the ’in the field’ eyewitness reporters.
I am just frustrated by not being able to understand what is happening elsewhere in the world, when some thirty-something news room producer has decided what it is soooo fucking important that I have to watch it for 48 hours straight. Thank god for internet porn…..when it’s working! “I’m coming dear. I just need to log off.”
BREAKING NEWS!!….It’s a ripper! The most important news of the day!
Is there a BBC Special in the works? Is Peter why Jimmy was the way he was? Did they work in tandum? Who taught whom? Was Jimmy just a wannabe? Or were they both just victims? Inquiring minds need to know…24 hours a day.